Saturday, October 26, 2013

What is an additional attribute in load runner VuGen?(RUNTIME SETTINGS IN VUGEN)

Additional attribute is a run time setting in VuGen and controller in load runner. This is used for reading a attribute value from run time settings.
This will be helpful, to pass any value to the test script from run time settings. This will overcome the limitations of parameters in VuGen. The parameters can be read and edited from the VuGen script only. Cannot be edited from controller.
If you want pass some value to the script from controller, we use additional attributes. Since additional attributes are part of run time settings, so it can be passed from controller. But there should be corresponding functions written in VuGen script to read the values.

Additional Attribute:
Char *cache1;
Char *cache2;

cache1=lr_get_attrib_string ("Cache_Param1");
lr_save_string (cache1,"NewCache1");

lr_save_string (cache2,"NewCache2");

In Performance center Command line argument:
-Cache_Param1 ""

Note:Cache_Param1 is the string that will give in Run-time setting.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Difference between Tree View And Script View ?

1.Difference between  Tree  View And  Script View ?

A)Tree view is an icon-based view that
lists the actions of the Vuser as steps,

while Script view is a text-based view
that lists the actions of the Vuser as functions.

Loadrunner - Web(HTTP/HTML) Vs WEB,AJAX(Click & Script) protocol in terms of virtual user
Loadrunner - Difference between Web(HTTP/HTML) and WEB,AJAX(Click & Script) protocol in terms of virtual user

Web (HTTP/HTML) protocol script consist of series of requests. Loadrunner start processing the requests one by one, once request is completed after receiving the response, it just forget what happened and proceed with the next request, so it consume less memory and don't process any web page code.

Where as click & script protocol virtual user is a hidden browser, it works similar to the real browser by executing the web page code, so correlation is not required . By using very limited object properties, HP could implement QTP technology into this protocol. User can also access page DOM using java script similar to .Object in QTP. Naturally it consume more memory and create more load on load injectors.

If the application is using heavy AJAX and third party controls, it may consume lot of memory and CPU usage. Always monitor load generator memory and CPU usage, it should not go beyond 80%. Some time Vusers run very slowly after couple of iterations, not meeting the script expectation.
In these situation, we do have following issues when virtual users are running as "thread".
Some of the virtual users may fail with the following error message
Action.c(360): Error: C interpreter run time error: Action.c (360):  Error -- memory violation : Exception ACCESS_VIOLATION received.
Function Specific error
Action.c(360): Notify: CCI trace: Action.c(360): web_browser(0x02081b03 "Java_Script", 0x0208214f "ACTION", 0x02081292 "EvalJavaScript=igtbl_getRowById('ctl00xc...", 0x02082111 "LAST")
In-order to overcome above error, run the virtual user as "process" instead of "thread", now virtual users are stable and each is assigned separate memory.
Loadrunner create virtual user using mmdrv.exe process, if virtual users are running as process, virtual user count and mmdrv.exe process in the task manager count will be same.
Install load injectors with Windows 2003 64bit to accommodate more memory.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

HTTP Response Messages(HTTP CODES)

400 Bad Request

Officially: The request could not be understood by the server due to malformed syntax. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the request without modifications. 

When / Why:
 The request in the script may be badly formatted. The best thing to do is check if the request has any parameters that you have edited, of so check them by debugging.

HTTP 401 Unauthorised
Officially: The request requires user authentication. The response MUST include a WWW-Authenticate header field (section 14.47) containing a challenge applicable to the requested resource. The client MAY repeat the request with a suitable Authorization header field (section 14.8). If the request already included Authorization credentials, then the 401 response indicates that authorization has been refused for those credentials. If the 401 response contains the same challenge as the prior response, and the user agent has already attempted authentication at least once, then the user SHOULD be presented the entity that was given in the response, since that entity might include relevant diagnostic information. HTTP access authentication is explained in "HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication"

When / Why:
 Typically when load testing many users are generated from the same machine. In a Microsoft example the browser can use the current Windows logon credentials as credentials for the web site using NTLM. Therefore if the login is different as does not have the same authorisation as the original login (from the recording phase) during the execution the server may deny access with 401.
In the script you should use:

HTTP 403 Forbidden
Officially: The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. Authorization will not help and the request SHOULD NOT be repeated. If the request method was not HEAD and the server wishes to make public why the request has not been fulfilled, it SHOULD describe the reason for the refusal in the entity. If the server does not wish to make this information available to the client, the status code 404 (Not Found) can be used instead.

When / Why:
 If you do not see the error when manually browsing but do see it when running a script check that the script is recent. If there has been aconfiguration change on the server you may see this message: For example if if at one time a server hosted the site and now no longer does so and can't or won't provide a redirection to the new location it may send a HTTP 403 back rather than a more meaningful message.
Check that authentication is correctly set up in the script - see HTTP 401.
Also check that the browser you are simulating is allowed as a security policy can ban certain types of traffic from a server.

HTTP 404 Not Found
When / Why: You may find that when interacted with manually the web site does not appear to throw any HTTP 404 messages.
When running a load test script you then may see 404's in the response codes. This can be because the object (probably a page component) that the tool requested does not exist on the server - it may be a .gif or a .js java script or similar that is referenced by the page yet does not exist on the server. In a browser this would simply appear as an empty image place holder in the case of an image for example, or in the case of a java script you may even see nothing if the java script is redundant. As the tool specifically requests the object (as the browser does) it will of course log the 404 message if the object cannot be found.

HTTP 407 Proxy Authentication Required
Officially: This code is similar to 401 (Unauthorized), but indicates that the client must first authenticate itself with the proxy. The proxy MUST return a Proxy-Authenticate header field (section 14.33) containing a challenge applicable to the proxy for the requested resource. The client MAY repeat the request with a suitable Proxy-Authorization header field (section 14.34). HTTP access authentication is explained in "HTTP Authentication: Basic and Digest Access Authentication"

When / Why:
 The script was probably captured with the browser already pointing to a proxy server set (see browser network settings). See the information on HTTP 401 for reasons why this might happen.
Typically it's best to avoid running a load test through a proxy server, especially if production load will not be routed through that proxy server. Ways to avoid the proxy server are to remove the part of the script that states use of the proxy server (often internal applications are available even while bypassing the proxy server), if that doesn't work - move the injection point to a location in the network where the proxy server can be bypassed (perhaps the same VLAN as the web server).

HTTP 500 Internal Server Error
Officially: The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.

When / Why:
 You'll often see this after an HTTP POST statement and it usually means that the post statement has not been formed correctly.
There can be a number of reasons for this including the request being badly formed by the tool - or at least not formed as expected by the server. More typically it's because the POSTed form values are incorrect due to incorrect correlation / parameterisation of form variables.
For example: In a .Net application a very large __VIEWSTATE value is passed between the browser and server with each POST, this is a way to maintain state and puts the onus on state ownership on the browser rather than the server. This can have performance issues which I won't go into here. If this value is not parameterised correctly in the script (there can be more than one __VIEWSTATE) then the server can be confused (sent erroneous requests) and respond with a 500 Internal Server Error.
A 500 error usually originates from the application server part of the infrastructure.
It's not just .Net parameters that can cause this. Items such as badly formed dates, incorrectly formatted fields and badly formatted strings (consider replaced spaces with + characters) and so on can all cause HTTP 500 errors.

HTTP 503 Service Unavailable
Officially: The server is currently unable to handle the request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. The implication is that this is a temporary condition which will be alleviated after some delay. If known, the length of the delay MAY be indicated in a Retry-After header. If no Retry-After is given, the client SHOULD handle the response as it would for a 500 response. 

When / Why: Typically this will be due to the allowed number of concurrent connections on the server and is usually down to a configuration or license setting. For example IIS running on a non server version of Windows is limited to 10 concurrent connections - after this point it will deliver a 503 message. There is a temptation in load testing to overload the application under test, so it's worth revisiting your non functional requirements - will the production server ever see this number of concurrent connections?

HTTP Response Messages
HTTP servers respond to client requests in the form of a response message. This message contains a status line, response headers, and meta-information about the resource (information about the resource itself, not about the information that is contained in the resource).
Each HTTP status line contains the HTTP version number, a status code, and a description. For example, "HTTP/1.0 200 OK" is a typical status line returned in a response message from an HTTP server.
The following table contains status codes and their meanings.
HTTP Status Codes
Status Code
Non-Authoritative Information
No Content
Reset Content
Partial Content
Fin (i-mail capture)
Rec (i-mail capture)
Empty (i-mail capture)
Multiple Choices
Moved Permanently
Moved Temporarily
See Other
Not Modified
Use Proxy
Temporary Redirect
Bad Request
Payment Required
Not Found
Method Not Allowed
Not Acceptable
Proxy Authentication Required
Request Timeout
Length Required
Precondition Failed
Request Entity Too Large
Request URL Too Large
Unsupported Media Type
Requested Range Not Satisfiable
Expectation Failed
ID Error (i-mail capture)
Internal Server Error
Not Implemented
Bad Gateway
Service Unavailable
Gateway Timeout
HTTP Version Not Supported
POST Error (i-mail capture)
GET Error (i-mail capture)
Unordered (i-mail capture)
UE POST Error (i-mail capture)

Thursday, May 16, 2013


 Run Logic:
Every Vuser script contains three sections: vuser_init, Run (Actions), and vuser_end.
You can instruct a Vuser to repeat the Run section when you run the script. Each repetition is known as iteration. The vuser_init and vuser_end sections of a Vuser script are not repeated when you run
multiple iterations.
Number of Iterations: The number of iterations. LoadRunner repeats all of the Actions
the specified number of times. If you specify scenario duration in the Controller’s scheduling settings, the duration setting overrides the Vuser iteration settings. This means that if the duration is set to
five minutes (the default setting), the Vusers will continue to run as many iterations as required in five minutes, even if the run-time settings specify only one iteration. When you run scripts with multiple actions, you can indicate how to execute the actions, and how the Vuser executes them:
Action Blocks: Action blocks are groups of actions within your script. You can set the properties of each block independently—its sequence, iterations, and weighting.
Sequence: You can set the order of actions within your script. You can also indicate whether to perform actions sequentially or randomly.
Iterations: In addition to setting the number of iterations for the entire Run section, you can set iterations for individual actions or action blocks. This is useful, for example, in emulating a commercial site where you perform many queries to locate a product, but only one purchase.
Best Practice: The number of iterations will depend on the customer’s specifications of the each individual test series. Normally, the next iteration starts as soon as the previous iteration ends, again depending on the test customer’s specifications.
The Pacing Run-Time settings let you control the time between iterations. The pace tells the Vuser how long to wait between iterations of your actions. You instruct the Vusers to start each iteration using one of the following methods:
·          As soon as the previous iteration ends: The new iteration begins as soon as possible after the previous iteration ends.
·          After the previous iteration ends with a fixed or random delay of …: Starts each new iteration a specified amount of time after the end of the previous iteration. Specify either an exact number of seconds or a range of time. For example, you can specify to begin a new iteration at any time between 60 and 90 seconds after the previous iteration ends. The actual amount of time that the Vuser waits between the end of one iteration and the start of the next one appears in the Execution Log whenyou run the script.
·          At fixed or random intervals, every … [to ...] seconds: You specify the time between iteration—either a fixed number of seconds or a range of seconds from the beginning of the previous iteration. For example, you can specify to begin a new iteration every 30 seconds, or at a random rate ranging from 30 to 45 seconds from the beginning of the previous iteration. Each scheduled iteration will only begin when the previous iteration is complete.
Best Practice: We normally use this option “As soon as the previous iteration ends”, which can change
according to client requirements.
The detailed description about different option on the logging window is given as follows:
Enable Logging
This option enables automatic logging during replay—VuGen writes log messages that you can view in the Execution log.
Log Options
The Log run-time settings allow you to adjust the logging level depending on your development stage. You can indicate when to send log messages to the log: Send messages only when an error occurs or always send messages. During development, you can enable all logging. Once you debug your script and verify that it is functional, you can enable logging for errors only.
Setting the Log Detail Level
You can specify the type of information that is logged, or you can disable logging altogether, which is done when we are running scripts in the controller as it results unnecessary usage of system resources and can skew the performance results.
Standard Log: Creates a standard log of functions and messages sent during script execution to use for debugging. Disable this option for large load testing scenarios.
Extended Log: Creates an extended log, including warnings and other messages. Disable this option for large load testing scenarios. If logging is disabled or if the level is set to Extended, adding it to a scenario does not affect the log settings. You can specify which additional information should be added to the extended log using the extended log options:
·          Parameter substitution: Select this option to log all parameters assigned to the script along with their values.
·          Data returned by server: Select this option to log all of the data returned by the server.
Advanced trace: Select this option to log all of the functions and messages sent by the Vuser during the session. This option is useful when you debug a Vuser script.
Best Practice:
As it has been mentioned in the description above that generally, we check all the three logging options if and when we are correlating & parameterizing the scripts. This gives us all the details of  communication with the server. But, while running the scripts in the scenario, disable the “Enable logging” checkbox unless it becomes necessary to see the details again, because otherwise it will waste hard disk space and memory of the load generators, which can skew our load testing results. We check “Send Messages only when an Error” option as this helps to troubleshoot if there is some problem while running the scenario.
Think Time:
The description about different options on Think Time window is as follows:
Ignore think time: Ignore the recorded think time—replay the script ignoring all lr_think_time functions.
Replay the think time: The second set of think times options let you use the recorded think time.
·          As recorded: During replay, use the argument that appears in the lr_think_time function. For example, lr_think_time(10) waits ten seconds.
·          Multiply recorded think time by: During replay, use a multiple of the recorded think time. This can increase or decrease the think time applied during playback. For example, if a think time of four seconds was recorded, you can instruct your Vuser to multiply that value by two, for a total of eight seconds. To reduce the think time to two seconds, multiply the recorded time by 0.5.
·          Use random percentage of the recorded think time: Use a random percentage of the recorded think time. You set a range for the think time value by specifying a range for the think time. For example, if the think time argument is 4, and you specify a minimum of 50% and a maximum of 150%, the lowest think time can be two (50%) and the highest value six (150%). This can be said to be the best way of putting think time in the scripts because even in the real world, not two people will fill any particular form in same time.
·          Limit think time to: Limit the think time’s maximum value.
Best Practice:
In all of our scenarios, we choose to ignore the Think Time. The reason behind this is that we do not have a reliable and accurate way to measure think time in our production environment and there fore would be skewing our test results by guessing at the Think Time. On some occasions, based on customer’s test specifications, we may use Think Time to slow our transactions in the scenario. This is usually done during a duration type test when the normal pace of our transactions is very fast and we need to extend that duration for the purpose of achieving the test goals. Author believes that it would be best to go by “Use random percentage of the recorded think time” option. It would help us in emulating the real life scenario because no two people in this world will do any activity in same time. Sometimes it is good to go into the script and modify recorded think times (say to make them all x seconds) and add think times to proper places where they are missed to ensure a fixed, controlled wait between every user action.
Continue on Error: This setting instructs Vusers to continue script execution when an error occurs. This option is disabled by default.
Fail open transactions on lr_error_message: This option instructs VuGen to mark all transactions in which an lr_error_message function was issued, as Failed.
Generate Snapshot on Error: This option generates a snapshot when an error occurs. You can see the snapshot by viewing the Vuser Log and double clicking on the line at which the error occurred.
The primary advantage of a multithread environment is the ability to run more Vusers per load generator. Only thread safe protocols should be run as threads. The Controller uses a driver program (e.g., mdrv.exe, and r3vuser.exe) to run your Vusers. If you run each Vuser as a process, then the same driver program is launched (and loaded) into the memory again and again for every instance of the Vuser. Loading the same driver program into memory uses up large amounts of RAM (random access memory) and other system resources. This limits the numbers of Vusers that can be run on any load
generator. Alternatively, if you run each Vuser as a thread, the Controller launches only one instance of the driver program (e.g., mdrv.exe), for every 50 Vusers (by default). This driver process/program launches several Vusers, each Vuser running as a thread. These threaded Vusers share segments of the memory of the parent driver process. This eliminates the need for multiple re-loading of the driver
program/process saves much memory space, thereby enabling more Vusers to be run on a single load generator.
Automatic Transactions:
You can instruct LoadRunner to handle every step or action in a Vuser script as a transaction. This is called using automatic transactions. LoadRunner assigns the step or action name as the name of the transaction. By default, automatic transactions per action are enabled.
·         • To disable automatic transactions per action, clear the Define each action as a transaction check box. (enabled by default)
·         • To enable automatic transactions per step, check the Define each step as a transaction check box. (disabled by default)
Best Practice:
1) In the Miscellaneous settings, the Error Handling is left unchecked.
2) Due to limited hardware and time, mostly we use Vusers as threads.
3) In most cases, we are measuring both the action and each step. This additional data helps us to analyze the transactions and identify the slowest pieces of the application, as this is where we would start to focus on enhancing the performance of the application. Normally we also insert transactions manually into the script, which will give us the timings of any particular transaction. To set proper order of the timings of the transactions, we normally prefix the transaction name by numbers like 01, 02, 03 etc.
This naming has helped us to analyze the timings of different components of the application more efficiently. Please DO NOT include think time and, output messages or any other custom program logic in the start and end transaction.
4) “Generate Snapshot on Error” option will be checked in future. This will be very useful when there are errors and you want to see or share how the error pages look.
Speed Simulation:
Using the Speed Simulation settings, you can select a bandwidth that best emulates the environment under test. The following options are available:
Use maximum bandwidth: By default, bandwidth emulation is disabled and the Vusers run at the maximum bandwidth that is available over the network.
Use bandwidth: Indicate a specific bandwidth level for your Vuser to emulate. You can select a speed ranging from 14.4 to 512 Kbps, emulating analog modems, ISDN, or DSL.
Use custom bandwidth: Indicate a bandwidth limit for your Vuser to emulate. Specify the bandwidth in bits, where 1 Kilobit=1024 bits.
Best Practice:
Since most of our customers use the high speed Internet, we normally use the option of “Use Maximum bandwidth”. It might be another challenge to load test the application at low internet speeds.
Setting Browser Emulation Properties:
Simulate browser cache: This option instructs the Vuser to simulate a browser with a cache. A cache is used to keep local copies of frequently accessed documents and thereby reduces the time connected to the network. By default, cache simulation is enabled. When the cache is disabled, LoadRunner still
downloads each page image only once. When running multiple Vusers from the Controller, every Vuser uses its own cache and retrieves images from the cache. If you disable this option, all Vusers emulate a browser with no cache available.
You can also set the following two browser cache options:
·          Cache URLs requiring content (HTML): This option instructs VuGen to cache only the URLs that require the HTML content. The content may be necessary for parsing, verification, or correlation. When you select this option, HTML content is automatically cached. This option is enabled by default.
·          Check for newer versions of stored pages every visit to the page: This setting instructs the browser to check for later versions of the specified URL, than those stored in the cache. When you enable this option, VuGen adds the “If-modified since” attribute to the HTTP header. This option guarantees that the most recent version of the page always appears, but generates more traffic during scenario
execution. By default, browsers do not check for newer resources, and therefore this option is disabled.
·          Download non-HTML resources: This option instructs Vusers to load graphic images when accessing a Web page during replay. This includes both graphic images that were recorded with the page, and those, which were not explicitly recorded along with the page. When real users access a Web page, they wait for the images to load. Therefore, enable this option if you are trying to test the entire system, including end-user time (enabled by default). To increase performance and not emulate real users, disable this option.
·          Simulate a new user each iteration: Instructs VuGen to reset all HTTP contexts between iterations to their states at the end of the init section. This setting allows the Vuser to more accurately emulate a new user beginning a browsing session. It deletes all cookies, closes all TCP connections (including keep-alive), clears the emulated browser’s cache, resets the HTML frame hierarchy (frame numbering
will begin from 1) and clears the user-names and passwords. This option is enabled by default.
·          Clear cache on each iteration: Clears the browser cache for each iteration in order to simulate a user visiting a Web page for the first time. Clear the check box to disable this option and allow Vusers to use the information stored in the browser’s cache, simulating a user who recently visited the page.
Best Practice:
We check the option “Simulate Browser Cache”, which helps to emulate the cache for browser. We check “Simulate a new user each iteration” as we normally record user login, logout, and transaction all in the Action section of the script AND we want to simulate new users between iterations. This will reset the context (such as cookies) during the script playback between iterations.
We also check following options:
·         “Download non-HTML resources”
·          “Clear cache on each iteration”.
As it has been already explained about the above 2 points that these help to emulate a real life user, therefore we use check these options to emulate real life load on the applications.
Setting Proxy Options:
By default, the Vuser uses the proxy settings of the browser used for recording in the Web recording options. It is recommended that you use the same settings for record and replay.
The following proxy options are available in the Run-Time settings.
·          No proxy: All Vusers always use direct connections to the Internet. This means that the connection is made without using a proxy server.
·          Obtain the proxy settings from the default browser: All Vusers use the proxy settings of the default browser from the machine upon which they are running.
·          Use custom proxy: All Vusers use a custom proxy server. You can supply the actual proxy server details or the path of a proxy automatic configuration script (.pac file) that enables automatic configuration. To supply the details of the server, you specify its IP address or name and port. You can specify one proxy server for all HTTP sites, and another proxy server for all HTTPS (secure) sites.
Best Practice:
Author has also observed that some of the companies use proxy servers to get connected
to the server due to security reasons, therefore it is best to use “Obtain the proxy settings
from the default browser” option.
Image and Text Checks:
The Enable image and text checks option allows the Vuser to perform verification checks during replay by executing the verification functions: web_find or web_image_check.This option only applies to statements recorded in HTML-based mode. Vusers running with verification checks use more memory than Vusers who do not perform checks (disabled by default).
Generating Web Performance Graphs:
Instructs a Vuser to collect data used to create Web Performance graphs. You view the Hits per Second, Pages per Second, and Response Bytes per Second (Throughput) graphs during test execution using the online monitors and after test execution using the Analysis. You view the Component Breakdown graph after test execution using the Analysis.
Advanced Web run-time options:
File and line in automatic transaction names: Creates unique transaction names for automatic transactions by adding file name and line number to the transaction name (enabled by default).
This option places additional information in the log file, and therefore requires more memory.
Non-critical item errors as warnings: This option returns a warning status for a function which failed on an item that is not critical for load testing, such as an image or Java applet that failed to download. This option is enabled by default. If you want a certain warning to be considered an error and fail your test, you can disable this option.
Save a local copy of all snapshot resources during replay: Instructs VuGen to save the snapshot resources to files on the local machine. This feature lets the Run-Time viewer create snapshots more accurately and display them quicker.
Best Practice:
·          The “Checks” have been left unselected, as normally we do not have any checks in our scripts unless specified by customer.
·          “Hits per second and HTTP codes” and “Response bytes per second” options are checked, which help us to do better analysis.
·          In the Advanced tab, we have checked the following three options:
1) “File and line in automatic transaction names”, because it helps to give each transaction name uniquely, which helps us in analysis to avoid any confusion.
2) “Non-critical item errors as warnings”: This avoids the failure of tests due to unimportant items.
3) “Save a local copy of all snapshot resources during replay”: This helps to run tests fast as the snapshots are stored locally.
Additional Options for Internet Preferences:
DNS caching: Instructs the Vuser to save a host’s IP addresses to a cache after resolving its value from the Domain Name Server. This saves time in subsequent calls to the same server. In situations where the IP address changes, as with certain load balancing techniques, be sure to disable this option to prevent Vuser from using the value in the cache. (enabled by default)
HTTP version: Specifies which version HTTP to use: version 1.0 or 1.1. This information is included in the HTTP request header whenever a Vuser sends a request to a Web server. The default is HTTP 1.1.
Keep-Alive HTTP connections: Keep-alive is a term used for an HTTP extension that allows persistent or continuous connections. These long-lived HTTP sessions allow multiple requests to be sent over the same TCP connection. This improves the performance of the Web server and clients. The keep-alive option works only with Web servers that support keep-alive connections. This setting specifies that all Vusers that run the Vuser script have keep alive HTTP connections enabled. (Yes by default)
Step timeout caused by resources is a warning: Issues a warning instead of an error when a timeout occurs due to a resource that did not load within the timeout interval. For non-resources, VuGen always issues an error. (No by default)
Parse HTML content-type: When expecting HTML, parse the response only when it is the specified content-type: HTML, text\html, TEXT any text, or ANY, any content-type. Note that text/xml is not parsed as HTML. The default is TEXT.
Accept-Language request header: Provides a comma-separated list of accepted languages. For example, en-us, and so forth.
HTTP-request Receive/Connect Timeout (seconds): The time, in seconds, that a Vuser will wait for the connection of a specific HTTP request within a step before aborting. Timeouts provide an opportunity for the server to stabilize and respond to the user. The default value is 120 seconds. The timeout settings are primarily for advanced users who have determined that acceptable timeout values should be different for their environment. The default settings should be sufficient in most cases. If the server does not respond in a reasonable amount of time, check for other connection-related issues, rather than setting a very long timeout, which could cause the scripts to wait unnecessarily.
Step download timeout (seconds): The time that the Vuser will wait before aborting a step in the script. This option can be used to emulate user behaviour of not waiting for more than x seconds for a page.
response. If the size of the data is larger than the specified size, the server will send the data in chunks, increasing the overhead of the system. When running multiple Vusers from the Controller, every Vuser uses its own network buffer.
Best Practice:
·         • “DNS Caching” is given value “Yes”.
·         • “Keep-Alive HTTP Connections” is given value “Yes”.
·         • We have kept the timeout for step download as 120 seconds because if we can’t download something in 120sec(2min), then it definitely needs to be tuned to give better performance. Anyhow in case of any special case, we can set the maximum values of these timeouts as follows:
1) Connect/Receive timeout -> 1000 seconds
2) Step download timeout -> 32000 seconds
Download filters:
     You can specify the Web sites from which Vusers should download resources during replay. You can indicate either the sites to exclude or the sites to include. You control the allowed or disallowed sources, by specifying a URL, host name, or host suffix name.
Content Checks:
   VuGen’s Content Check mechanism allows you to check the contents of a page for a specific string. This is useful for detecting non-standard errors. In normal operations, when your application server fails, the browser displays a generic HTTP error page indicating the nature of the error. The standard
error pages are recognized by VuGen and treated as errors, causing the script to fail. Some application servers, however, issue their own error pages that are not detected by VuGen as error pages. The page is sent by the server and it contains a formatted text string, stating that an error occurred.