Saturday, February 9, 2013

Interview questions

Virtusa Questions

  1. String manipulation functions
  2. File operations
  3. Difference between html and url recording
  4. Workload models
  5. Tell me about some critical Issues in your career
  6. Difference between Transaction mix and User mix
  7. File Extension
  8. Where we can find the snapshot on Errors
  9. Explain about Client side metrics and Server side metrics
  10. How much maximum memory is possible to allocate the  processor (CPU)
  11.  How did you find the free memory in the JVM
  12. Site scope 9.0
  13. Oracle server metrics and AWR reports
  14. What kind of reports do you send to client
  15. where we can see the Raw data in Analysis graph
  16. Webpage Diagnostics
  17. Code profiler for .Net Application
  18. Fixed no of users load -Load Test
  19. Load is not given -Stress Test
  20. Dynamic Workload changes -Spike Test
  21. To check the Stability of the application -Soak Test or Endurance Test
  22. Why we use Auto-collate option
  23. Why we go for Manual-collate
  24. What is Manual-collate
  25. What is the reason for we did not get the Results file
  26. How you test your Application with Firewall and how you handle the Issue
  27. Parameterization and what is use of Group parameter
  28. If the client is not define any Vuser load and he defined only Hits/sec for particular transactions so, what type of procedure you follow and how you convey the client
  29. Suddenly the Response Time is increased how will you identify the Issue without viewing the client and server side graphs

CTS Questions

1. How to gather the Requirements form Client
2. Explain Test plan
3. What is the Correlation and tell me detail about Arguments
4. What is Parameterization and different types
5. How to upload the .csv file and are you sure the .csv file support to LR or not
6. What is Browser Emulation
7. What is Block size in Run time settings
8. What is the Step downloaded Time
9. What is difference between Ajax and Web(http/html)
10. What is the Automatic Transaction in LR
11. What is difference between Goal and Manual Scenario
12. Normally which Ramp-up and Steady state you follow in your project
13. While you are capturing the parameter for Correlation and  you don’t have Right    boundary what is Approach
14. What is Rendezvous point and which Test it Appears
15. Where we can give the GC (Garbage Colletor) Setting in Weblogic Server
16. Explain detail about Check points
17. How you validate the script and how you debug the script
18. Tell me about Graph Settings
19. What is the default contents in filters option
20. Why we go for Merging concept
21. How you configure the metrics in your Web server and Database server
22. How you connect the Web servers and Database servers and whom will configure the metrics in your servers
23. The Heap memory is changing dynamically in JVM and is it possible to collect the Heap memory graphs and how?

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